Arcutis strives to create informative and engaging online communities that share information in meaningful ways and welcomes your participation and engagement in thoughtful and respectful conversation. When you engage with any of Arcutis’ social media channels, you are agreeing to these Community Guidelines in addition to the Terms and Conditions or other legal notices provided by Arcutis and those of the respective platform (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).
When engaging and sharing opinions please follow the guidelines below:
We reserve the right to reject or remove comments that are not in keeping with these guidelines and to block or ban users/followers who violate these guidelines.
We also want you to know that:
Important: This website is not intended as a forum for reporting the side effects or product complaints of Arcutis’ or other companies’ medicines. If your post includes a possible adverse event, product complaint, or other safety finding associated with an Arcutis product, we may be required by law to contact you for additional information.